Tuesday, December 11, 2012


My last post was pretty self-reflective and I wasn't feeling very good about where my priorities were. Maybe those thoughts were an indication that I am conflicted with myself and ready to make some more changes. Regardless, I do think that I have made and continue to make some positive changes in my life.

Oddly enough, less than a day after I was sitting behind my computer coming to terms with myself, Lisa posted the following on facebook:

I don't brag on Brad enough. Yesterday when I was leaving for my girls night, I left him playing Christmas music on the piano for the girls while they danced. This morning he took the them on a walk then went to meet his little brother (Big Brothers/ Big Sisters) and took him to lunch. He let me take a long nap this afternoon and is running a relay leg of the Dallas Marathon tomorrow morning. He throws the best tea parties and has been known to play a My Little Pony game with Claire for hours. Thanks Brad, the girls and I love you very much!

I forgot to mention that he took the girls to Target the other night and let them pick out $300 worth of toys for kids at local hospitals.

That was pretty cool to read! There I was the night before ripping myself to shreds, and now I get this other perspective from someone that I love.

The truth is, I think that God has been working on me pretty hard over the last 5 years. I know that I'm not where He wants me to be, but I am making progress. Baby steps.


Anonymous said...

Well for what it's worth.... I think you excell BIG TIME in being a daddy!!! It brings out the best in you! With them, the whole (not wanting other's praise) doesn't exist. You are a natural. Daniel loves being with you too. I'm willing to bet that you are a kid magnet. :)

I am proud to call you my brother! Love you!

Brad said...
